[Meeting of Directors held at the Bradford Hotel June 14th 1904] Present Dr. Baxter (Chair) Messrs Bainbridge, Clayton, Davies, Kelly, Kirkwood, Mahon, Wade, Whitford & Wright. Minutes of last two meetings & of Annual Meeting of Shareholders were read & confirmed & the Chairman was authorised to sign same. Cox The engagement of this player was left in the hands of the Committee (Messrs Baxter, Davies & Kelly) appointed. Chairman A vote of thanks having been accorded to Dr. Baxter for his services during the last season. Mr. Clayton proposed Mr. J. Davies. Dr. Whitford proposed Dr. J. C. Baxter for the chairmanship during the coming year upon being put to the vote, each gentleman received 4 votes, after discussion both gentlemen withdraw their names & Mr. Geo. Mahon being proposed he was unanimously elected to the Chair. Mr. Mahon at this point took the chair. Vice Chairman Mr. Davies was elected Vice Chairman. Committees The Chairman, Vice Chairman and ex Chairman were requested to frame the Committees for presentation at the next meeting. Day hour & places of meeting were deferred. Captn. & sub do 1st team Tom Booth & Wm. Balmer. do 2nd team Harry Makepeace & R. Balmer. Holidays The Chairman & Vice Chairman were requested to allot holidays to employees.