		as follows:- Easter Monday at Anfield and
		Xmas Day at Goodison Park failing the
		proposed arrangement with Manchester City
		but if Xmas day not available then on Apl. 30th.

Mercer & another The Secretary read a letter from Sheridan
		re Mercer and the Strathclyde Club re forward
		& that he had replied that we did not require
		Mercer & asking for full particulars of the

Transfer of	W. D. Williams to W. M. Dodd
Shares		2 shares Nos. 2447 fully paid and 1340 partly
		paid - transfer passed.

Water Main	The Secretary having read letter from the
		Liverpool Corporation stating in reply to our
		enquiry that the cost of laying a 3 in main
		150yds long with a 2 in meter & 2 hydrants would
		be about £45 exclusive of puddle or composition
		should it be found necessary to use same it
		was resolved that the offer be accepted & the
		work done forthwith.

Painting stands &c Resolved that this matter be left in the hands
		of the Ground Committee with power to do what
		is necessary.

		Mr. Kirkwood having referred to a statement
		made by Mr. Clayton at the Annual Meeting
		that he (Mr. Kirkwood) had touted from Dr
		Whitford the recommendation given by Dr.
		Whitford to the Shareholders and Mr. Kirkwood
		and Dr. Whitford having denied that this was
		so, Mr. Clayton in accepting such denial
		stated that he had already apologised to Mr.
		Kirkwood after the meeting and that it had
		been accepted.

Signed			1903