Picnic Resolved Messrs Bainbridge & Crawshaw act as a Sub Committee with power to make all arrangements. Captains & Resolved the following be elected. Sub Captains League team Capn. W. Owen : Sub Capn. J. Taylor. Combn. team " E. Hughes: " " S. Wolstenholme. Press to away Resolved a representative from the 3 daily papers be invited Matches to all 1st team away matches next Season at club's expense. Accounts Dr Baxter for Interest £126.17.6 & T. Bell £7.6.0. Press Tickets 3 Daily Mercury: 3 Daily Courier: 3 Daily Post: 2 A. News: 2 F. Field: 1 Bootle Times: 1 Sporting Chronicle: 1 Review: 1 B'head News: 1 Present Times: 1 Porcupine: 1 Umpire: 1 Lan. Post: 1 Sportsman: 2 Football Notes: 2 Southport Papers: 1 each Messrs C.C. Hall: Parsonage: J. Brown: Sec. & Nightingale. Complementary 1 each Messrs McKechnie: Smith: Mawdsley: Jones: Middleton: Tickets Easton: Little: Prescott: Irwen: Hellewell: Gaffney: Brocklehurst: Poole: Kirkwood: Capn. Robt Bower: Brewis: Capn. Durning: Supts. Smith: Webb: Walsh: Churchill: Sperrin: Tomlinson: Detectives Strettell: Robins: Fisher: 2 N. & S. Wales Bank: 3 Police A. S.: 12 dectectives: 10 Threlfalls: 15 L'pool Directors: Liverpool Players. T.B. Cooper Resolved we give this player his transfer free. Lancashire F.A. Resolved a reply be sent to their letter pointing out our position re Cup. Insurance of Players Sec. get information for next meeting. Next Meeting Thursday August 18th 1898. Signed 1898 James C. Baxter Chairman