Meeting of Directors held Tuesday Aug. 14th 1900 Present W. R. Clayton Esq. (in the chair) Messrs Baxter, Davies, Kirkwood & Taylor. Vote of Condolence Resolved a letter of Condolence be sent to Mrs. Prescott sympathising with her in her bereavement sustained through the death of Mr. Prescott. Minutes of last meeting read & confirmed. Picnic The Committee to have £5 for Prizes to Players. Bank Resolved we accept the offer of the Gleam Bank to play here at League Matches & E. C. Ties at £3 per Match. Notice of Motion by Dr. Baxter re Complimentary Tickets to Ex-Directors. Election of Director Left over. Press to away matches Left over. Directors to Resolved any Director wishing to go away with away matches the team may do so at the Club's expense. Baths The Secretary procure 22 Season Tickets for Baths at 15/- each for Players. Assistant Trainer Resolved we offer the appointment to J. Southworth at a salary of £2 per week as from Monday next. Bonus for League Resolved we offer the Players for League Matches Matches together with the Trainer 20/- for a win home or away and 10/- for a draw. F. A. Council Nominate J. J. Bentley. Gatemen J. J. Holden & A. Russell. Transfer of Shares 6 from B. Allen to A. J. Branwood 1791/1796. Jardine's Benefit Resolved we play a mixed team for Jardine's benefit at Wrexham on Monday Sep. 24th for expenses. Port Vale Resolved we play them a match for expenses of Oct. 15th. Arsenal A/c to stand over until Season Starts re Ashcroft. Ticket holders to be admitted to Stands on Aug. 25th. Next Meeting Tuesday after practice match to select teams only for Aug. 25.