Players to start Resolved Players start training on August training 1st. Season Tickets Prices to be as last Year. Accounts Interest £126.17.6. Transfer of Shares 2 from J. M. Crawshaw to W. P. Lomax 687 & 2255 10 " " " to E. A. Bainbridge 1552/1561 3 " H. M. Crawshaw to do 1212/1214 Hospital Saturday Resolved we allow them to make collections on Fund. our Ground during Practice Matches. McFarlane Offer to East Stirlingshire transfer for £50. League Meeting Sec. reported re Livingstone, Holt, Halliday & Oldham also that Ashcroft had been transferred to Arsenal for £25 and Hallows to City free. Next Meeting Tuesday July 24th. Signed July 31st 1900 W. R. Clayton Chairman Meeting of Directors held Tuesday July 31st 1900 Present W. R. Clayton Esq. (in the Chair) Messrs Bainbridge, Cuff, Davies, Kelly, Kirkwood & Prescott. Minutes of last meeting read & confirmed. Election of The names of Messrs P. Nelson & H. Wright were Director proposed after which it was resolved that the election be postponed until the next full meeting of the Board. Press to away matches postponed until after Picnic. Practice Matches Private on Aug 21st at 6-30 and Public on the 25th at 4-0. Picnic to Heswall or Parkgate on Aug 15th or 16th leave Stage at 10-30 & drive from Birkenhead - provide 2 meals. Messrs Bainbridge, Kelly & the Sec. to act as Sub Committee to make all arrangements. Insurance of Resolved we Insure both teams as last Year with Players the "Ocean" premium £99. Band Sec. write Gossages & Gleam of Sunshine as to terms etc.