Meeting of Directors held Wednesday May 2nd 1900

Present		Dr. Baxter (in the chair) Messrs Clayton, Crawshaw, Cuff, Davies,
		Keates, Kelly & Taylor.

Minutes of last	meeting read & confirmed.

Players engagements J. Sharp £4.10.0 all the year & to be allowed to play
confirmed	for Lan. County until Aug. 25th provided he reports
		himself here on Aug. 1st to be fit.
		Halliday - terms £2.15.0 all the Year & £10 bonus.

Toman		Resolved we re-engaged Toman up to £5.

Bonus		Resolved we make a present value £5 to Mr. Atherton &
		give Chadwick £5.

Competition for	Mr. Clayton gave his report of meetings he had attended
2nd team	after discussion it was
		"Resolved we remain in the Lancashire Combination
		next Season."

Lan. F. A.	Resolved we nominate Mr. Lythgoe as a member of the
		Lan. F. A.

Charity Cup	Resolved Messrs Baxter, Clayton & the Sec. attend
		meeting at Town Hall on the 10th Inst. at 12-0.

Goldie H.	Resolved we accept £50 for transfer if offered.

Depreciation on	Resolved we take off 10% depreciation from nett
Ground & Stands	amt.

Next Meeting	Monday at 7-0.

Signed May 7th 1900		James C. Baxter	Chairman

Meeting of Directors held Monday May 7th 1900

Present		Dr. Baxter (in the chair) Messrs Bainbridge, Clayton, Davies,
		Keates & Kelly.

Minutes of last	meeting read & confirmed.

Accounts &	Resolved the draft statement of Accounts, Balance
Balance Sheet	Sheet, P & L. A/c as read by Auditors be approved.

Payments	The following payments were approved Lewis 10/6.
		Queens Hotel 1/16/3, Keates 12/2/-, Elliott 41/-/- Travelling Sundries 4/-
		Ground 3/5, Office 3/4.