Director in Charge of Gate - Mr. Taylor. Turner's engagement Resolved the engagement of Turner be confirmed terms £250 to Stoke F.C. £10 bonus with £5 per week wages as from April 17th. Smith Resolved we engage Smith next season up to £5 per week. Brearley Resolved we engage Brearley next season on last terms. Halliday Resolved we engage Halliday " " up to £3 per week. Mr. Clayton to deal with the above. Sharp J. Resolved in accordance with notice of motion, the matter of J. Sharp's engagement be re-opened. Resolved he be re-engaged at a salary up to £5. Trainer Lewis Resolved Lewis's engagement be terminated & that he be paid the 3 months salary in lieu of notice. Trainer Resolved J. Elliott be appointed as Trainer from May 1st at a salary of £2.10.0 per week & to receive bonuses same as players. Deputation from A deputation from the Football Combination F. Combination attended & invited the club to join them next Season. The matter was left over for decision until next meeting. Transfer of Shares 1 from W. H. Ravenscroft to E. A. Bainbridge Junr. 332 10 " T. Staniford to R. Richmond 1121/1129 & 2395 5 " R. Richmond to J. Blacoe 1125/1129 10 " W. Allison to J. Gore 2008/2017 5 " J. Gore to J. Blacoe 2013/2017. Signed May 2nd 1900 James C. Baxter Chairman