Players not to	Resolved we do not re-engage the following
be re-engaged	players & that they be put on transfer terms as stated
		Molyneux minimum  £100 : J. Sharp minimum £200
		Toman       "     £200 : B. Sharp   "     £100
		Gee         "     £100 : Gordon     "     £30
		Schofield   "     £50  : Murphy     "     £20

Bonus for League Resolved we offer the Team & Trainer £5 extra
Matches		to ordinary bonus if they secure 6 points out of the
		4 remaining League Matches.

Secondary Schools Resolved we get Oldfields to fix plate on
Shield		Shield.

Turner of Stoke	Resolved the Sec. go to Stoke & offer up to £250
		for transfer & wages up to £5 per week.

Trainer's positions Consider this matter at the next meeting
for next Season of the Board.

Team v L'pool	Muir, Eccles, Balmer or Watson, Wolstenholme,
		Boyle, Abbott, Sharp, Toman, Proudfoot, Settle, Taylor.

Team v Bury	As above.

Team v Glossop	As above.

Team v L'pool Reserve - Kitchen, Watson, Crelly, Sharp, Green, Blythe, Roche,
		Dawson, Oldham, Gray, Gee with Molyneux reserve
		for Watson.

Team v Bury Res. As above.

Team v Wrexham & Bangor left with Secretary & Elliott.

Next Meeting	Wednesday April 18th.

Signed April 25th 1900				James C. Baxter		Chairman

Meeting of Directors held Wednesday April 25th 1900

Present		Dr. Baxter (in the Chair) Messrs Bainbridge, Clayton,
		Crawshaw, Davies, Keates, Kelly & Taylor.

Minutes of last meeting read & confirmed.

Vote of Condolence Resolved a letter of condolence be sent to
		Mrs. Brooks & family, sympathising with them in
		their bereavement through the death of Mr. Brooks.