Breslen & Resolved Mr. Clayton & another Director go to Woodlock Scotland with power to engage these players for a Months trial at best terms. Wolves Match Resolved we accept Wolves offer of £30 to play them on March 17th provided we are not in Final of Lan. Cup. Dinner to Resolved the arrangements be left with the Mr. Myer Chairman & Sec. Signed Nov. 30th 1899 James C. Baxter Chairman Meeting of Directors held Thursday Nov. 30th 1899 Present Dr. Baxter (in the chair) Messrs Bainbridge, Brooks, Clayton, Crawshaw, Cuff, Davies, Keates & Taylor. Minutes of last Meeting read & confirmed. Director in Charge of Gate - Mr. Brooks. Dawsons engagement confirmed & pay him bonus of Five Pounds. Director in The proposition to alter present arrangements Charge of League team was lost. Signed Dec. 7th 1899 James C. Baxter Chairman Meeting of Directors held Thursday Dec. 7th 1899 Present Dr. Baxter (in the chair) Messrs Bainbridge, Brooks, Clayton, Crawshaw, Cuff, Davies, Kelly & Taylor. Minutes of last meeting read & confirmed. Director in Charge of Gate - Mr. Crawshaw. Directors to Resolved Messrs Bainbridge & Cuff go to see Jarrow Jarrow play on Saturday and if McDonald & Cullen sent they be empowered to negotiate with the Jarrow Club for their transfer at any time the Club may wish their services. Terms to players & Club be left in hands of the deputation. Accounts Leek F.C. 10/- for Tickets. Durie gave him trials at Xmas as per his letter.