Meeting of Directors held Thursday Oct. 5th 1899 Present Dr. Baxter (in the chair) Messrs Bainbridge, Brooks, Clayton, Crawshaw, Cuff, Davies, Keates, Kelly & Taylor. Minutes of last meeting read & confirmed. Director in charge of Gate - Mr. Crawshaw. Accounts Telephone Co. £10.0.0. Transfer of Shares 3 from H.T. Livesley to J. Edgar 175/176 & 2359. 15 from F.C. Wilson to E.A. Bainbridge 1696/1710. Midweek Matches Resolved any Directors who can go with the Secretary to any midweek matches in Lancashire or the Midlands do so at the Club's expense with a view to seeing likely players for future engagement. Sub Committees Resolved Mr. Clayton's name be added to the Finance Committee & that his name be substituted for Mr. Davies on the Adv. Committee. Signed Oct. 12th 1899 James C. Baxter Chairman Meeting of Directors held Thursday Oct. 12th 1899 Present Dr. Baxter (in the chair) Messrs Brooks, Clayton, Crawshaw, Davies, Keates, Kelly & Taylor. Minutes of last Meeting read & confirmed also Finance Minutes of Oct. 10th. Director in charge of Gate - Mr. Clayton. Director to Skerton - Mr. Keates. Director to go away Put on Agenda for next meeting. with 2nd team Players Dinner Resolved we give the Players a tea on Nov. 6th & take them to a place of amusement afterwards. Mr. Crawshaw & the Sec. to make all arrangements. J. Elliott Resolved we give Elliott £10 to assist him under the circumstances of his domestic troubles. Signed Oct. 26th 1899 James C. Baxter Chairman