Meeting of Directors held Thursday Sep. 14th 1899 Present Dr. Baxter (in the Chair) Messrs Bainbridge, Clayton, Crawshaw, Davies, Keates & Taylor. Minutes of last Meeting read & confirmed. Director in Charge of Gate Dr. Baxter. Director to Turton Mr. Keates. Letter of Condolence Resolved a letter of Condolence be sent to Mr. to Mr Cuff. Cuff in his bereavement through the loss of his son. Taylor’s benefit Resolved the Club make up the nett total to £100 & that in consideration of this no Director give private subscription. Gateman Gordon 126 Duke St. Put on Agenda Elect members on teams Committee & match for Hospital Saturday Fund. Trial to Bridson on the 23rd Sep. Signed Sep. 21st 1899 James C. Baxter Chairman Meeting of Directors held Thursday Sep 21st 1899 Present Dr. Baxter (in the Chair) Messrs Bainbridge, Brooks, Clayton, Crawshaw, Davies, Keates, Kelly & Taylor. Minutes of last meeting read & confirmed. Taylor’s benefit Cheque drawn for £44.14.6 as per resolution. Director in Charge of Gate - Mr. Crawshaw. Transfer of Shares 5 from R.B. McCulloch to F.H. Harris 1664/1668. 10 from A. Yates to W. Allison 2008/2017. Hospital Saturday Resolved we play a match during the Season for the Fund benefit of this Fund. Neilson Resolved Messrs Bainbridge, Davies, Cuff & the Sec. go to Scotland & have power if he suits to get transfer on best terms from Abercorn & engage Neilson on best terms. Member of Resolved we do not proceed to elect a member in Teams Committee place of Mr. Keates resigned.