Bonuses for	Resolved we give 11 Players & Trainer a bonus
League Matches	of 20/- for each League match won at home
		or away.

Combn. Medals	Resolved the Sec. order 11 Medals @ 25/- each
		& give Elliott 25/- for last years Champions trip.

J. Sharp	Resolved the action of Sec. be confirmed in not
		granting permission for J. Sharp to play after the
		14th Inst.

Toman		To appear before Directors at their next meeting.

F.A. Representative Resolved we nominate J.J. Bentley.

Dunlop's Benefit Resolved we allow some players to take part
		in this match.

Use of Ground	Resolved we allow Aigburth & L. F.C. to play
		a match here after league match on April 28/1900.

Next Meeting	Monday after trial game.

Signed Aug. 21st 1899			James C Baxter		Chairman

Meeting of Directors held Monday Aug. 21st 1899

Present		Dr. Baxter (in the chair) Messrs Bainbridge, Brooks, Clayton,
		Crawshaw, Cuff, Davies, Keates & Taylor.

Minutes of last meeting read & confirmed.

Blue v White	Blue - Muir, Sharp, Molyneux, Wolstenholme, Boyle,
Practice match	Taylor, Marquis, Roche, Oldham, Gray, Schofield,
		White - Kitchen, Balmer, Crelley, Murphy, Gordon, Blythe,
		Sharp, Settle, Toman, Abbott, Gee.

Directors to	Resolved any Directors wishing to go to
away matches	any away match may do on at the club's
		expense with team.

Motion to alter	Mr. Cuff gave notice of motion to alter day of
Day of Meeting	meeting from Monday to another more suitable.

Next Meeting	Saturday next at 3.30.

McKie to assist Resolved Mr. McKie be invited to assist at the
at Gates	Gate during season & that we give him an
		honorarium of £10.