Day & hour of Resolved Directors meetings be held on Mondays Meetings at 7-0. Quorum Resolved five form a Quorum. Teams Committee Question left over for future consideration. R. McFarlane Resolved we offer him to 3rd Lanark & Morton for £100. Next Meeting Monday June 19th. Abbott's engagement Confirmed viz. pay Small Heath F.C. £250 & play them a match mid week & players wages £4 during playing season & £3 during Summer with a bonus of £10. Signed June 22nd 1899 James C. Baxter Chairman [Special Meeting of Directors held Friday June 9th 1899 at the Bradford Hotel] Present Dr. Baxter (in the chair) Messrs Bainbridge, Crawshaw, Cuff, Davies, Keates & Taylor. Secretary's position Resolved unanimously that the Board offer Mr R. Molyneux a five Years engagement at a salary of £260.0.0 per annum as Secretary to the Company which was at once accepted. Hoardings round Resolved the Ground Committee be authorised to Field have a Skirting board fixed on hoarding & new stays where required. Next Meeting Resolved next Meeting be held on Thursday June 22nd instead of the 19th. Signed June 22nd 1899 James C. Baxter Chairman