[Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held at the Picton Lecture Hall Thursday May 18th 1899 Dr. Baxter Presiding] Press Resolved the Press be admitted. Notice of Meeting Secretary read notice convening the meeting. Balance Sheet Resolved the Balance Sheet be taken as read. Directors report & Pro. by Dr. Baxter & Seconded by Mr. J. Smith and Statement of Accounts "Resolved that the Directors report & statement of accounts be approved & passed." Dividend Resolved a Dividend of 5% be paid on paid up Capital. Auditors Resolved Messrs T.T. Rogers, Bowler & Co. be re-elected Auditors at a fee of forty Guineas. Nominations for The following Gentlemen were nominated Messrs Bainbridge, Cuff, Davies, Directors Burge, Kirkwood, Mitchell & McGeagh. Scrutineers The following were elected Scrutineers - Messrs McKie, Nelson, Smith, Taylor, Bush, Rowlands & Bowler. Result of voting The Result of voting for Directors was as follows. Mr. Bainbridge 157 Dr. McGeagh 108 Mr. Mitchell 44 " Davies 157 Mr. Burge 63 " Cuff 134 " Kirkwood 52 The Chairman declaring Messrs Bainbridge, Davies & Cuff elected. Match Committee Resolved that this meeting recommends that five Directors be chosen from the Board to select & look after the League & Cup tie teams for the ensuing Season. Vote of thanks to the Chairman concluded the business. Signed May 23rd 1899 James C. Baxter Chairman