THE EVERTON FOOTBALL CLUB Co., Ltd. The Everton Football Club Company, Ltd. The Everton Football Club Company, Ltd., RESULTS 1899-1900. RESULTS 1898-99. RESULTS 1897-98. LEAGUE TEAM. Captain - Sub-Captain- Captain- Sub-Captain- Captain-J.TAYLOR. Sub-Captain-G. MOLYNEUX. W. OWEN. LEAGUE TEAM, J. TAYLOR. W. STEWART. LEAGUE TEAM. E. CHADWICK. Home Away For Agst Home Away For Agst Hme Away SEPTEMBER. For Ags H'me Away JANUARY. For Agst H'me Away SEPTEMBER. For Agst H'me Away JANUARY. For Agst SEPTEMBER. JANUARY. 1L - Blackburn Rovers ..... 2 1 2L - Notts Forest ......... 1 3 - 1L Blackburn Rovers ..... 1 1 2L - Sheffield United .... 1 2 1L - Preston North End .... 1 0 - 3L Sheffield United ..... 1 1 - 7L Newcastle United ..... 2 2 1 - Liverpool ............ 1 1 - 4 Glasgow Rangers ...... 3 5 - 9L Newcastle United .... 0 2 - 3 Glasgow Rangers ...... 4 2 10L - Newcastle United ..... 3 0 14L - Preston North End .... 2 0 4L - Bolton Wanderers ..... 2 1 8L - Sheffield Wednes ..... 1 0 11 - Gl'sp (Taylor's B'ft) 2 0 6L - Newcastle United ..... 3 2 - 17L Preston North End .... 0 0 - 21L Liverpool ............ 0 2 - 11L Derby County ......... 1 5 - 15L Notts County ......... 2 3 16L - Aston Villa ......... 1 2 - 13L Aston Villa .......... 1 1 24L - Liverpool ............ 1 2 28 EC Jarrow .............. 3 1 13 - Preston North End .... 6 2 17L - Stoke ................ 1 1 - 23L Liverpool ........... 2 1 20L - Liverpool ............ 3 1 OCTOBER. FEBRUARY 18L - W'hampton Wands ...... 3 0 22 LC Bolton Wanderers ..... 1 2 30L - Burnley ............. 2 0 - 27 Southampton(E.C.) .... 0 3 - 1L Notts Forest ......... 0 0 - 4L Bolton Wanderers ..... Canc elled - 25L Liverpool ............ 1 3 29 EC Blackburn Rovers ..... 1 0 OCTOBER. FEBRUARY. 8L - Bolton Wanderers ..... 1 0 11 EC Notts Forest ......... 0 1 ...................... - 7L Preston North End ... 1 1 - 3L Burnley .............. 1 3 - 15L Derby County ......... 5 5 - 18 Corinthians .......... 1 0 FEBRUARY. 14L - Notts Forest ........ 2 1 - 10 Belfast Distillery ... 2 2 22L - West Brom Albion ..... 1 0 - 25L Bolton Wanderers ..... 4 2 OCTOBER. - 5L Sheffield Wednes ..... 1 2 - 21L Glossop ............. 1 1 - 17L Notts Forest ......... 2 4 - 29L Blackburn Rovers ..... 3 1 2 - Blackburn Rovers ..... 1 1 EC 12 Stoke ................ 0 0 - 28L Stoke ............... 1 1 24 - Derby County ......... 1 1 MARCH - 9L W'hampton Wands ...... 3 2 17 EC Stoke (re-played) .... 5 1 NOVEMBER. MARCH. NOVEMBER. - 4L Sheffield Wednes ..... 2 1 16L - Liverpool ............ 3 0 - 19 Liverpool ............ 2 0 - 4L Sunderland ......... 0 1 - 3 Dundee ............... 2 0 5L - Sheffield Wednes ..... 2 0 11L - Sunderland ........... 0 0 - 23L Bury ................. 1 0 - 22L Sheffield United ..... 0 0 11L - West Bromwich A ..... 1 3 10L - Sunderland ........... 1 0 - 7L West Brom. Albion .... 0 3 - 18L Bury ................. 1 3 30L - Sheffield United ..... 1 4 EC 26 Burnley .............. 3 1 - 18L W'hampton Wand ...... aban d'nd - 17L W'hampton Wand ....... 1 2 - 12L Sunderland ........... 1 2 - 25 Preston North End .... Aban doned ...................... - 25L Blackburn Rovers .... 1 3 24L - W'hampton Wand ....... 0 1 19L - W'hampton Wands ...... 2 1 - 31 Newcastle United ..... 1 2 ...................... MARCH. 31L - Blackburn Rovers ..... 0 0 26L - Bury ................. 0 1 5L - Bury ................. 4 2 DECEMBER. DECEMBER. APRIL. NOVEMBER. - 12L Notts Forest ......... 2 2 APRIL. 2L - Derby County ........ 3 0 - 3L Notts County ......... 1 0 1L - Notts County ......... 1 2 - 6L West Brom Albion ..... 2 2 EC 19 Derby County ......... 1 3 - 9L Bury................. 1 4 - 7L Derby County ......... 1 2 10L - Stoke ................ 2 0 3L - Derby County ......... 1 2 - 13L Aston Villa .......... 0 3 21L - Preston North End .... 1 1 16L - Notts County......... 0 2 13 - Liverpool ............ 3 1 - 17L Aston Villa .......... 0 3 - 8L Stoke ................ 1 2 20L Preston North End .... 1 1 26 - Lan.Cup Final New- - 18 Burnley (Lan. Cup) .. 1 2 14L - Bury ................. 2 0 24L - Burnley .............. 4 0 15L - Aston Villa.. ........ 1 1 27L - West Brom. Albion .... 6 1 ton H.v. Blackburn R . 2 1 - 23L Manchester City ..... 2 1 16L - Glossop .............. 4 1 26 Corinthians .......... 4 2 - 22L Burnley .............. 0 0 - 29 West Brom. Albion .... 1 1 - 26L Bolton Wanderers ..... 0 1 25L - Stoke ............... 2 0 - 21L Notts County ......... 2 2 31L Sheffield United ..... 1 0 26 - Edinboro' Hibern's, .. 1 1 ...................... 30 - New Brighton Tow ..... 1 3 - 26L West Bromwich A ..... 0 0 28L - Manchester City ...... 4 0 - 29L W'hampton Wands ...... 2 1 ...................... (Stewart's benefit). - 30L Sheffield United .... 0 5 - 30 Stalybridge Rovers ... 1 0 N.B.-"L" -For League. APRIL. N.B.-"L" denotes League Match. DECEMBER. 2L - Notts Forest....... 2 0 4 LC Darwen ............... 3 1 8L - Derby County....... 3 0 11L Notts County ......... 1 0 - 9L Stoke .............. 0 2 - 18L Sunderland ........... 0 0 11L - Sunderland ........ 2 0 25L - Aston Villa .......... 2 1 - 13 Gainsbro' Trinity .. 2 1 27 Leicester Fosse ...... 1 1 - 16 Ashton North End. 3 2 ...................... 18 - WestBrom. (Ch. C.) 4 0 ...................... - 23 Queen's Park Ran.. 6 1 - 27 Northwich &Dist.. 4 2 - 30 Manchester City.... 2 4 N.B.-" L " for League. EVERTON COMBINATION FIXTURES. EVERTON COMBINATION. EVERTON COMBINATION. Captain-G. KITCHEN. Sub-Captain-A. J. SCHOFIELD. Captain-E. HUGHES. Sub-Captain-S. WOLSTENHOLME. Captain-G. Barker. Sub-W. Williams. DATE. CLUB. For Agst. DATE. CLUB. For Agst DATE. CLUB. For Agst DATE. CLUB. For. Agst. DATE. CLUB. For Agst. DATE. CLUB. For Agst Sept. 1.H Newton Heath ......... 1 0 Jan. 1.A Sheffield U. Res....F 2 3 1898 1899 Sept. 1..A White Star Wand'rs... 2 2 8..A Chirk ..............C 0 0 2.A Astley Bridge W ...... 1 0 13.H Skerton ............. 8 0 Sept. 3..H Bangor .............C 12 0 Jan. 2..A Oswestry (aband ed).. - - 1897 4..A Bolton W. Reserve.... 1 3 15..H Chirk ..............C 2 0 9.H St. Helens Recs ...... 5 0 20.A Berry's ............. 1 2 10..A Chester ............C 3 1 7..H Llandudno...........C 5 1 11..H Newtown ............F 5 1 22..A Crewe Alexandra.....C 2 1 16.A Turton ............... 7 0 27.H Liverpool ..........F 0 3 12..A Chesterfield .......F 2 0 14..A Druids..............C 2 1 18..A Druids .............C 1 2 22..A Hudson's L.&D.S.).... 1 3 23.H Bolton Wand .......... 2 0 Feb. 3.H Burnley ............. 2 0 13..A Buxton .............F 2 2 21..H Buxton .............C 7 0 25..H White Star W........C 2 1 29..A Aston Villa Reserve.. 1 0 30.A Burnley .............. 0 1 17.H Glossop ............. 5 5 17..H South Liverpool ....C 8 0 Feb. 2..A Oswestry............C 4 1 Oct. 2..A Chester ............C 1 1 Feb. 1..H Police Athletic ..... 0 2 Oct. 7.H Preston North End .... 3 1 Mar. 3.H Glossop ............. 4 0 24..A Garston Copper W....C 3 0 4..H Preston North E. ...F 3 2 9..H Tranmere Rovers.....C 2 1 5..H Rock Ferry .........C 1 1 12.A Newton Heath ......... 1 3 10.A Leyland ............. 1 1 Oct. 1..H Tranmere Rovers.....C 7 1 11..A No Match............. - 16..A Dresden United .....C 1 1 12..H Northwich Victoria... 3 0 14.A Skerton .............. 6 0 17.H Leyland ............. 2 0 8..A Wrexham ............C 1 1 18..H Wrexham ............C 4 1 23..H Chester ............C 4 1 26..H White Star Wand's.... 4 1 21.H Berry's .............. 2 1 24.A Manchester City ..... 7 0 15..H Chesterfield .......F 2 0 25..H Liverpool Reserve ..C 0 0 30..A Newtown ............F 0 1 Mar. 6..A No Match............. - - 28.H Liverpool ............ 3 0 31.A Blackburn Rovers .... 0 0 22..A North End Reserve ..F 2 0 Mar. 4..H Liverpool ..........C 0 1 Nov. 6..H Buxton .............C 6 0 12..H Garston Copper W....C 5 0 Nov. 4.H Turton ............... 1 1 April 7.H Park Road ........... 4 1 29..H White Star Wan......C 2 0 11..A Congleton Hornets ..F 3 0 6..H Whiston (Shield tie). 1 0 14..A Stoke Swifts......... 0 0 18.H Astley Bridge W ...... 11 0 9.A Park Road ........... 2 0 18..H Tranmere R.(Liv. C).. 2 1 13..H Liverpool Reserve ..F 0 2 19..H Chesterfield......... 1 4 25.H Blackburn Rovers ..... 3 1 13.A Liverpool ........... 0 2 Nov. 5..A Tranmere Rovers.....C 1 1 25..H Chirk ..............C 2 1 20..H Wrexham ............C 5 4 19..A Chester ............. 1 4 Dec. 2.A Hurst Ramblers ....... 0 1 14.A Bury ................ 3 2 12..H Chester ............C 4 0 31..H New Brighton......... 2 1 27..A Tranmere Rovers.....C 3 0 26..A Garston Copper W....C 0 1 9.H Bury ................. 1 0 21.H NewBrighton(L Cp) ... 0 0 19..A Chirk ..............C 2 1 April 1..A Bangor..............C 1 1 Dec. 4.. No Match............. - - April 2..A Northwich Vict. ....C 7 2 16.A Manchester City ...... 0 1 25.A Bolton Wand. Res..... 1 4 26..A South Liverpool ....C 5 2 3..A Buxton .............C 7 1 11..A Rock Ferry .........C 0 0 9..A Liverpool Reserve ..F 0 2 23.H Wrexham .............F 3 1 26.A Birkenhead .........F 1 0 Dec. 3..H Rhyl ...............C 9 0 8..H Barnsley............. 4 0 18..H Crewe Alexandra.....C 9 0 11..A Buxton .............C 3 2 25.A St. Helens Recs. ..... 3 1 27.A NewBrighton(L Cp) ... 2 0 10..A Llandudno...........C 4 0 22..H Oswestry ...........C 5 0 25..A White Star W........C 2 3 16..A Preston North End.... 1 5 26.H New Brighton ........F 3 1 28.A Wolves Reserve .....F 1 2 17..H Druids..............C 3 1 24..H Garston Copper W.C... 4 0 27..H Stoke Swifts........C 3 1 23..A Wrexham ............C 0 3 30.H Hurst Ramblers ....... 4 1 30.A South Liverpool ....F 1 4 24..A Rhyl................C 5 1 27..H New Brighton (L.C)... 8 1 Jan. 1..H Druids..............C 4 1 23..A New B.T.(fin,Liv.Cp.. 3 0 26..A White Star W........C 3 1 29..H Aston Villa Res.....F 7 0 1898 4..A Rock Ferry ......F 3 3 30..H Nantwich............. 4 1 N.B.-"F" denotes Friendly. N.B.-" C " for Combination. N.B.-"C " for Combination.