			                                EVERTON FOOTBALL CLUB CO., LIMITED.

							  BALANCE SHEET AS AT 29th APRIL, 1899.

			CAPITAL AND LIABILITIES			                               PROPERTY   AND   ASSETS.
							£ s. d.		£ s. d.						 £ s. d. £. s. d.   

		Nominal Capital—£2,500 in 2,500 Shares				Ground, Stands, Hoardings and Erections
		   of £1 each ; 15/- per Share called				    at Goodison Park, as at 30th April, 1898 6038 17  7
		   up.								      Added since ... ... ... ... ...          83 19 11
		      2210 Shares issued and allotted,								             ----------- 
			   at 15/-per Share paid up... 1657 10 0			                                      6122 17 6
		       290 Bonus Shares—to old Mem-
		           bers... ... ... ... ... ... 290   0 0		   LESS 10 per cent. now Written off ... ...   612 5 10
		 	----   			     ------------ 1947 10 0						    ------------
			----								                                      5510 11 8
		                                                                Freehold Land ... ... ... ... ... ... ...     8090 12 6
		Sundry Creditors ... ... ... ... ... ... ...       262  2 8
		Balance to the credit of Profit and Loss Account  6970 12 5						    ------------
														              13601 4 2
		                                                                    LESS Mortgage ... ... ... ... ... ...      7500 0 0
		                                                                         				    ------------- 6101 4 2
		                                                                 Office Fixtures, Implements, &c. as at
		                                                                     30th April, 1898 ... ... ... ... ...        70 0 0
		                                                                        Added since ... ... ... ... ... ...       5 4 3
		                                                                                                                 75 4 3
		                                                                     LESS now written off ... ... ... ...	 10 4 3
		                                                                                                               --------- 65 0 0
		                                                          	Sundry debtors—
		                                                                Clothing, Material, and Stores on hand ... ... ... ...   15 0 0
		                                                                Sundry Deposits    ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...   18 0 0
		                                                                Bonuses paid Clubs and Players in advance  ... ... ...	700 0 0
		                                                         	Cash in North and South Wales Bank    ... ... 2209 19 1
		                                                        	Cash in hand ... ... ... ... ... ... ...       71 1 10
			                                                                                                       -------- 2281 0 11

							    -----------								      -----------
		                                             £9180 5 1 		                                                       £9180  5 1
						            ===========							 	      ===========

		         We have examined the Books and Accounts of the above Company, and have to report that in our opinion
		 the above Balance Sheet is a full and fair one, and properly drawn up so as to exhibit a true and correct view
		 of the Company's affairs as shown by their Books.
		                                                                  T. THEO. ROGERS,BOWLER & CO., 

		30, NORTH JOHN STREET								        Chartered Accountants.
		          LIVERPOOL, 9th May, 1899.