Meeting of Directors held Thursday May 4th 1899 Present Dr. Baxter (in the chair) Messrs Brooks, Crawshaw, Davies, Keates & Taylor. Minutes of two meetings read & confirmed. Players engagements Schofield at 2.10.0 per week Boyle 5.0.0 per week Balmer at 3. 0.0 " " Roche at 1. 0.0 " " Summer & 1.10.0 Winter Not to be engaged Crompton to be put on transfer minimum £20.0.0. Robertson Resolved we accept Ranger's offer of £400 for Robertson's transfer. Booth Resolved we go up to £350 for transfer & wages up to £5 per week Messrs Keates, Crawshaw & Sec. make arrangements. Lan. Association Resolved we nominate Mr. Prescott. Accounts Resolved the payments made to Lewis 15/- : Mercury 6: W.C. Cuff £9.13.8: Aston Villa F.C. £36.12.8 be confirmed. Depreciation Resolved the depreciations be as follows for this years a/cts. Ground & Stands £612.5.10: Office Fixtures, Implements £10.4.3. Annual Meeting Resolved the Annual Meeting be held on Thursday the 18th May at 8.0 in the Picton Lecture Hall. Next Meeting Tuesday at 3.0 at Bradford Hotel. R. Walker Sec. write the Hearts re. this player. Signed May 23 1899 James C. Baxter Chairman Meeting of Directors held Tuesday May 9th 1899 at Bradford Hotel Present Dr. Baxter (in the chair) Messrs Bainbridge, Clayton, Crawshaw, Cuff, Davies, Keates & Taylor. Accounts & Resolved the draft statement of Accounts, Balance Sheet Balance Sheet & Profit & Loss a/c as read by auditors be approved. Dunlop Resolved Mr. Keates & Sec. be empowered to negotiate for transfer up to £150 from Sunderland & wages best terms provided character, age etc is satisfactory. Balmer Resolved Balmer's engagement be confirmed at £4 for playing season & £3.10.0 Summer. Signed May 23 1899 James C. Baxter Chairman