Meeting of Directors held Thursday April 27th 1899 Present Dr. Baxter (in the chair) Messrs Bainbridge, Brooks, Crawshaw, Cuff, Davies, Keates & Kelly. Minutes of two meetings read & confirmed. Players engagement B. Sharp £4.10.0 per week £10 bonus} £ s d Confirmed J. Sharp £4.10.0 per week £10 bonus } 450.0.0 } to Villa for transfer E. Gee £3.0.0 during winter & £2.10.0 Summer. W. Oldham £3.0.0 during Season with an allowance of £5 for travelling expenses during the Season. Roache Resolved the Directors present at match tomorrow be empowered to engage him on best terms if suit. Boyle Resolved he be re-engaged on best terms not to exceed £5. Holt Resolved we accept £150 for transfer if offered. L'pool Cup Resolved we allow the Winslow Hotel to have charge of Cup if they get it insured. Lan. Combn. Resolved we apply for admission to Lan. Combn. for next Season provided Liverpool do so. Mr. Myer Resolved a letter be sent to Mr. Myer thanking him for the Services rendered to the Club & to ask him to be our guest on an occasion when in Town. Signed May 4th 1899 James C. Baxter Chairman Emergency Meeting held Tuesday May 2nd 1899 at Bradford Hotel Present J. Davies Esq. (in the chair) Messrs Bainbridge, Brooks, Crawshaw, Cuff, Keates & Taylor. Robertson Resolved we write Scotch Clubs re the transfer of Robertson. Booth Resolved this matter stand over until we hear from Rovers. Signed May 4th 1899 James Baxter Chairman