Parry C. Patrick J. Peace H. B.
Paterson T. Ramsden J. Rule A.
Scales J. Southworth J. Sutton W.
Urwin W. Walkinson J.
Retain Resolved that the following players be also
added to the "Retain" list for next season.
Bucknall G. Chadwick Thos. Dilly Thos.
Joyce F. Boardman Thos. Elston A. E.
Brearley Jno. Gordon Danl McDonald Rodk
Henderson Resolved that Henderson be reengaged.
McEwan Also McEwan at £2 Summer £2.10 in
Team for Whitley, Balmer W., Balmer R. and
South Murray, Wolslenholme, Booth, Abbott,
Sharp, Taylor, Dilly, Sheridan, Makepeace.
Corrin The question of reengaging Corrin was
opened and it was resolved not to do
Team v Kitchen, Gordon, Wildman, Clark,
Northwich & Russell, Chadwick, Rankin, Wolfe,
Garston O'Hagan, Dixon & McDonald.
Resolved that Mr. Coates & the Secy.
proceed to interview the Rangers F.C.
with the object of negotiating for Stark's
Next meeting Friday at 7.
W. R. Clayton
May 5/03