[Adjourned meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park, April 23rd 1903] Present J. Davies Esq. Chair, Messrs Coates, Kelly, Mahon and Wright. Stark The Secretary was instructed to write Mr. Wilson that it was probable that one of the directors would be in Glasgow on Tuesday and if so would call upon him. Brown A. Resolved that the deputation be empowered to offer up to £250 for this players transfer. Corrin T. Resolved that we do nothing further with this player. Galvin Resolved this player have his transfer. Munday It being reported that this player was open to transfer, the Secretary was instructed to write Chesterfield for terms. Dilly and Resolved that these players be offered Clayton reengagement at last years terms. Bradshaw Mr. Coates reported on this player & the further consideration of him was deferred for the present. The Secretary having read an application from the old X's for a match resolved that we could not entertain the request. Resolved that we play at Northwich on Wednesday to play a match in aid of the Victoria Infirmary. Balmer and These players having attended the Wolstenholme Chairman handed to each a cheque for £162.12.8 and expressed the thanks and appreciation of the Board for the excellent services rendered by each player. Next meeting Tuesday at 10 at 26 North John St. Signed Apl. 1903 Transfer of Six shares Nos. 855-859 and