Black Lane Halliwell, Gordon, Murray, Clayton, Clark, Farrell, Rankin, Sheridan, Young, Hammond, McEwan. Bury Whitley, Balmer, R. Balmer, Wolstenholme, Booth, Abbott, Rankin, Taylor, Dilly, Settle, McEwan. Respecting the discussion re the Everton Rovers match it was resolved that the Secretary notify the press of the finding of the Board as soon as possible. Shutt Resolved that we do nothing further in this matter. Brighton Resolved that we accept £15 guarantee Albion & half gross gate over £30 for a match at Hove on the 29th inst. Bert Sharp An application from this player for a free transfer being read it was resolved that he be notified that we would deal leniently with any club who might apply. Resolved that a letter of appreciation be sent to Mr. Hardman Senr. acknowledging his Courtesy, in allowing his son to assist us. The meeting then stood adjourned to Thursday. Signed April 29 1903 W.R. Clayton Chairman