Balmer and Resolved that pending the decision of the Wolstenholme F. A. as to increasing the shares of these players benefits the gross receipts of the Benefit match amounting to £325.5.3 be divided equally between them and that the Chairman hand to each a cheque for £162.12.8 on Thursday evening next. H. P. Hardman Resolved that this gentleman be asked to become a regular playing member of our club, and thanks for his offer to assist us. The Secretary having read a letter from the Secretary of the Lancashire Combination intimating a proposal to present a testimonial to the retiring president Mr. T. Heaton and inviting subscriptions it was resolved to ascertain what L'pool F. C. in the matter intended to do. Stark The Secretary having read letter from the Rangers offering Stark resolved that we intimate our disposition to negotiate for his transfer and enquire the amount. Murray This left back being strongly recommended resolved he be asked to play trial here on Saturday first. Hammond & Mr. Case having recommended this inside Farrell left and half back respectively it was resolved to give them a trial on Thursday night & if satisfactory again on Saturday. Team v Leek A. N. Other Gordon, Wildman, Clayton, Clark, Farrell, Morton, Sheridan, Spence, Donohue, Mamman. Portsmouth Whitley, Balmer, Crelly, Wolstenholme, Booth, Abbott, Sharp, Taylor, Dilly, Settle, Hardman.