Jones (Left Back Swindon) The Secretary reported very glowing a/cs of this player age 20 5 ft. 11 1/2 11 st 10 price of transfer reasonable he was instructed to ascertain where he could be seen play. Lanc. Cup The Secretary was instructed to try to Tie play this tie on the 23rd prox: failing this date the 27th prox. Hoardings The Secretary reported that Messrs. D. Allen & sons, Belfast had purchased the business Of the New L'Pool Bill Posting Co. (the tenants of our hoardings) & R. A. Jackson. Semi Final The secretary reported the receipt of two claims for compensation by letter & one claim verbally for injuries sustained on Saturday last & that he had replied denying liability & he was instructed to inform the Secretary of the F. A. A letter from Mr. J. Nichol respecting players was left to be dealt with by the Chairman, Vice Chairman & Dr. Kirkwood. Mercer Sheridan was requested to obtain any information regarding this player also that Dr. Whitford be asked to do so. The Secretary was instructed to write the City Engineer respecting the state of the Stanley Park pavement in Walton Lane. Dr. Wright Upon hearing Mr. Wright, it was resolved that Dr. Wrights a/c for £2.2.0 be paid. Director to Derby Mr. Kelly Minutes of last meeting read & confirmed. Also of finance meeting of 20th Febry. were read & confirmed. C O'Hagan The engagement of this player at £2 per