Nomads The secretary reported that he had received £2.20 for use of ground. The Consideration of players for the next season was ordered to be put on agenda for next meeting. Dr Wright having sent in a/c for £ 2.2.0 re Lee the Secretary was instructed to see him upon it. The Secretary reported settle's absence from training owing to death of his mother. Next meeting Tuesday at 7.30. Dated Mch 17, 1903 W R Clayton Chairman [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park March 17th 1903.] Present W R clayton Esq. Chair, Messrs. Bainbridge, Coates, Davies, Kelly, Kirkwood & Whitford. Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. The secretary reported having seen Dr. Wright as to his a/c for £ 2.2.0 & stated that the Dr. had received instructions from Mr. Wright & it was resolved to defer the matter until Mr. Wrights return. Reports The trainer made his report, also the report from Dr. & Mr. Turner were read. Stoke Kitchen, Balmer, Crelly, Wolstenholme, Booth, Abbott, Rankin, Taylor, Makepeace, Settle, Bell, Henderson. Reserve Team to go by the Excursion. Howie & Mr. Kirkwood was with Dr. Whitford appointed Speedie to visit the Scotch trial match on Monday.