to Dr. Baxter.
English Cup Tie The Secretary was instructed to write
v Millwall for full particulars as to ground &c.
Balmer and Notice of motion was given to propose
Wolstenholme that these players shares in their recent
benefit match be increased to £200 each,
the Secretary in the meantime to write
Mr. Wall on the matter.
McMullen This matter was left with the Secretary
with instructions to make enquiries.
Signed 1903
James C. Baxter
[Meeting of Directors held Febry. 28th 1903 at Goodison
Present A. T. Coates Esq. Chair. Messrs Bainbridge,
Clayton, Kirkwood, Kelly, Mahon, Davies
& Whitford.
Mr. Coates reported a substantial improvement
in Young & it was resolved that the team
return to Blackpool on Monday. Kitchen
& Bowman to go also.
Resolved that we arrange with the Midland
Ry. Co. for conveyance of board to & at London.
England v Wales Resolved that a deputation consisting of
Mr. Bainbridge & the Secretary accompany
Abbott to Portsmouth.
Next meeting Thursday at 3 p.m. at 26 North John St.
James C. Baxter