to £3.10/- per week as from the 9th inst. The Secretary read a letter of thanks from the L'pool & District F.A. Also a letter from the F.A. requiring Settle's services on the 30th inst. v Wales. Signed Feby 24th 1903 James C. Baxter Chairman [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park February 24th 1903.] Present Dr. Baxter (Chair) Messrs Bainbridge, Clayton, Davies, Kelly, Kirkwood, Mahon and Whitford. Minutes of last two meetings read and confirmed. Reports Mr. Davies reported upon visit to the Welsh trial match at Wrexham & recommended that the Wrexham centre & left wing be kept under observation. Dr. Whitford reported upon visit to Irish International at Wolverhampton and that Sharp displayed excellent form at inside right. Mr. Kelly reported that Hardman (amateur) outside left was desirous of playing for us & was a good player and it was resolved that arrangements be left in his hands. Medical report was read. Trainer's report was made. Training Resolved that the following players go away tomorrow Wednesday to Blackpool - Mr. A. T.