suggesting a Smoking Concert at which the proceeds of the Wolves match be handed to Balmer & Wolstenholme, he was instructed to bring matter before the next meeting. Interest A cheque for £106.12.10 for ½ year's interest due Jany. 1st was ordered to be made out in favor of Messrs Baxter & Connolly. Sheridan Resolved that we consent to Sheridan playing for Ireland on Feby. 14th. G. H. Houlker A letter having been received from Walter Houlker re this half back, the Secretary was instructed to go to Blackburn & obtain particulars & offer a trial for the 24th Jany. S. H. Sugden A letter from Mr. S. Withers asking for a trial for this centre forward the Secretary was instructed to offer him a trial on Saty. Crewe Alexr. A Cheque for £9.3.7 the expenses of this commission was ordered to be sent. Gardner Resolved that we do nothing further herein during the meeting, Mr. Clayton vacated the chair & Mr Davies took same. Next meeting Monday after the match. Signed 19th Janry. 1903 James C. Baxter Chairman