Saturday next. Cup Tie Resolved that a portion of the stand be portioned off & reserved at a price of 5/-. Messrs Davies & Kelly to arrange. The Secretary was instructed to try & get a match away for the 10th prox. Young The Secretary having read a letter that Young showed very little improvement he was instructed to recall him. White Star's application for a refund of our share of the gate which was £1.6.10 was declined. Next Meeting Tuesday Jany. 6th 1903 at 7.30. Signed Jany. 6th 1903 James C. Baxter Chairman [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park January 6th 1903] Present J. C. Baxter Esq. (Chair) Messrs Clayton, Coates, Davies, Kirkwood, Whitford & Wright. Reports by Trainer & Doctor made & read. The Secretary was instructed to order Luncheon for the players at Grapes Hotel Freshfield on Thursday. Wolfe Resolved that the offer to sign Wolfe at 10/- per week be not increased. Team v Newcastle Whitley, Henderson, Balmer, Wolstenholme, United Booth, Abbott, Sharp, Taylor, Sheridan, Settle, Dilly. Makepeace to go as Reserve & R. Balmer if Henderson unfit. v North End Kitchen, Wildman, Baxter, Clark, Russell, Reserve Chadwick, Rankin, Boardman, Morton, Wolfe