[Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park Decr. 16th 1902] Present A. T. Coates Esq. (chair) Messrs Baxter, Davies, Clayton, Kelly, Kirkwood, Whitford & Wright. Report As to players in training was made by Elliott & as to injured players by Dr. Wright. F.A. Draw &c. The Secretary reported on his visit to London. Menzies and Elliott reported that Menzies would Turner not come this Season & that he had not seen Turner. Wolfe The Secretary was instructed to write the White Star F.C. re this player. Dixon Having failed to turn up on several occasions for training & on Saturday last at Heywood it was resolved that he be suspended from Saturday next until January 31 1903. Minutes of three meetings read & confirmed. Hughes The Secretary was instructed to have Hughes kept away from dressing rooms. Report On second team read from Mr. Turner. Wolstenholme The Secretary was instructed to write Blackburn Rovers that we could not transfer Wolstenholme. v Notts. County Kitchen, Balmer, Crelly, Wolstenholme, Booth, Abbott, Sharp, Taylor, Brearley, Settle, Rankin. v Acc'gton Whitley, Henderson, Wildman, Clark, Stanley Russell, Makepeace, Wolfe, Boardman, Bowman, Sheridan, Dilly. Young Resolved that Young be allowed to return home for a change until the 30th inst. he to report himself to Dr. Wright on the 31st.