The application from Blantyre Victoria for match here at New Year & from Plymouth for April 25 were referred to Fixture Committee. The Secretary was instructed to have the players outfits conveyed in Hampers instead of the present mode, the trainer to be held responsible for the full and proper equipment for each player. Notice of Motion To discuss the terms of the recent match with the Nomads was given by the Chairman. Next meeting Tuesday at 7.30. Signed 1902 A.T. Coates Chairman [Meeting of Directors held at 16 Lord Street on Monday the 8th Decr. 1902] Present Dr. Baxter (Chair) Messrs Bainbridge, Clayton, Coates, Davies, Kelly, Kirkwood, Mahon, Whitford & Wright. Reports Mr. Coates & the Secretary having reported on Saturday's game at Sheffield it was resolved that all the players should be instructed to train on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday this week & that on the Friday walking exercise be taken with a dinner at the Stork Hotel at the close. The Secretary was instructed to arrange to be in and about the dressing rooms during