Director on Gate Mr. Bainbridge.
Dilly The Secretary was instructed to instruct
Dilly to have his teeth attended to.
Bell Attended and explained the state of his
injured shoulder.
Cameron The Secretary having read reply from St.
Mirren he was instructed to write asking
for the first refusal in case they decided
to transfer Cameron, also to write a
similar letter to Dundee re Sharp.
Lanc. Cup Tie The Secretary reported the receipt of
cheque for £55.9.7 the balance of our share
of Cup Tie receipts with Manchester City.
The application from the Grocers United
F.C. for use of ground, & from the London Boys
Home for old outfits were declined.
Balmer & The Secretary reported the receipt of letter
Wolstenholme intimating that our application for a
benefit for these players would be brought
before the Committee of the F.A. on Monday.
Cullen & It was resolved that these players
Harris & Boardman be given a trial on Saturday.
The Secy. read letter from W. Standford
recommending a left full back & he was
instructed to write him fully.
Manchester City The Secretary read letter enquiring for
forwards & was instructed to reply in
the negative.
Menzies & Turner The Secretary read letter from these
players declining to come on trial it was
arranged that they should be seen & Messrs
Coates & Baxter were deputed to go to Scotland
on Friday with power to arrange best terms
with one or both.