Wolstenholme Resolved that the transfer of this player be deferred & the Secretary was instructed to write the F.A. for permission to grant him & Wm. Balmer a benefit or a monetary equivalent. Mr. Bucknall The Secretary was instructed to send a complimentary ticket. Capner The offer of this player on trial was declined. Glasgow Rangers Resolved that the kick off be fixed for 2 o'clock. Next Meeting Tuesday at 7.30. Signed Decr. 2nd 1902 A. T. Coates Chairman [Meeting of Directors held at Goodison Park Decr. 2nd 1902] Present A. T. Coates Esq. (Chair) Messrs Bainbridge, Davies, Kelly, Kirkwood, Whitford & Wright. Minutes of last meeting were read & confirmed. Report from Doctor read & the Secretary was instructed to speak to Kitchen as to his not seeing the doctor. do by Trainer made & approved. do by Mr. Turner on 2nd team match read. Team v Kitchen, Balmer, Crelly, Taylor, Booth, Abbott, Sheffield Wedy. Sharp, Sheridan, Bowman, Settle, Dilly. v Trawden Whitley, Wildman, Harris, Clarke, Russell, Forest Makepeace, McDonald, Boardman, Cullen, Dixon, Rankin. Director to Sheffield None appointed.