Crelly Resolved that Crellys wages be increased to £2 per week. Cameron A deputation consisting of Messrs Chapple & Still Clayton, Coates, Davies & Wright was appointed to visit Edinburgh & Motherwell on saturday to see Cameron (St. Mirren) Chapple (Motherwell) & Still (Falkirk) play with power to negotiate for the transfer of Cameron, if satisfactory, up to £250. F. J. Cox The Secretary reported that Mr. Cox had paid £12.10.0 on a/c of rent. The Secretary was instructed to have 100 posters announcing the replayed Cup tie on Monday printed & posted at once. Next meeting Monday Novr. 10th after match. The Secretary read a letter from a Bradford Solr. claiming £10.7.6 & his reply thereto. Transfer of shares The Secretary reported having received transfer deed of 10 shares 15/- paid Nos. 421 to 430 and 1 fully paid share No. 2389 by Wm. Redman to Robert Wilson but no scrip therefor there being a letter of indemnity relative thereto which was read. Resolved that transfer be passed & new scrip sealed. Dated Novr. 10th 1902 J. Davies Chairman