would be playing on Saturday the 8th prox. Reduction of It was resolved that the payment of £1000 mortgage in reduction of the mortgage be deferred until Jany. 1 & that if possible £1500 be paid on that date. McLatchie Resolved that the offer of this player be declined. Vernon Resolved that the further consideration of this player be deferred for the present. Mr. Priestley The letter from Mr. Priestley to Mr. Coates being read the Secretary was instructed to write thanking him. Bovril The Secretary reported that Bovril had paid £12.10.0 this season's rent. The Secretary having read letter from Woolwich enquiring for half back he was instructed to offer to exchange Clarke for Jackson or Cross. Marr Outside left (Birkenhead) Resolved that Dr. Whitford and Mr. Wright arrange to see him play. Accounts The following a/cs were ordered to be paid Hutchinson (V. Smith) £3.0.0 Hardcastle & Eidman £18.3.0 Poor Rates £71.19.11 Next meeting Wednesday Novr. 5th at 7.30. Signed Novr. 5th 1902 J. Davies Chairman