C. Griffiths. Manchester City Whitley, Wolstenholme, Crelly, Taylor, Russell, Abbott, Rankin, Brearley, Bowman, Sheridan, Dilly. Director to Birmingham Dr. Whitford. " Manchester Mr. Kelly. " on Gate Mr. Kirkwood. Resolved that a subcommittee consisting of the chairman and Vice chairman be appointed for the purpose of purchasing a Gold Watch for presentation to Mr. H. Wright as a token of appreciation of the services rendered by him as Hon. Secy. at a sum not exceeding £30. The Secretary having read a letter from the Manchester City F.C. suggesting the postponement of the Cup Tie and that he had replied refusing so to do the action of the Secretary was confirmed. Dr. Jones' a/c The secretary was instructed to endeavour to settle this a/c for 21/-. A/cs The secretary was instructed to send £2.12.6 to the Imperial Hotel. Latham The secretary reporting that Latham had asked for his transfer, was instructed to grant same. The Secretary was instructed to send copy of resolution re Chairman & Finance Committee to the Bank. Mortgage The Secretary having reported that the Club had a credit balance of £1872.5.0 at the Bank. It was resolved that a cheque for £1000 be sent to the mortgagees in reduction of the mortgage. Transfer of Two from John Strain to James Anderson Shares Milroy No 2404 fully paid and 603 part paid was passed and seal ordered to be affixed to new scrip.