Sheffield matches. Complimentary It was agreed that Supt. Webb of C- tickets division and Sergt. Park Hon. Sec. of the Police Athletic Society should receive complimentary tickets. Director on Gate Mr. Coates agreed to take the Nantwich gate. P. Paterson The Hon. Secretary reported that he has received £50:- from Grimsby Town F. C. for P. Paterson's transfer. Messrs. Cuff & Elliott It was resolved that Mr. Cuff and Jack Elliott be re-instated on 1st October 1902 their term of suspension having expired. The Football Association, Football League, Lancashire Association and the North and South Wales Bank to be notified accordingly. Director to N'ham Mr. Bainbridge to be in charge of the Team & Sheffield to Nottingham and Sheffield. Notices of Motion Dr. Whitford gave notice of motion of the following:- That all divisional superintendents receive complimentary tickets. Regarding Training. Cheque drawn A cheque for £150. was drawn on account of wages and expenses to Nottingham & Sheffield. James C. Baxter