		back, at £2.10/- per week during the playing
		season, was confirmed.

Watson of Celtic Messrs Davies and Wright were deputed to
		go to Glasgow, see Watson, left full back of
		Celtic play & then interview the Celtic with
		regard to his transfer.

Nantwich 4 Oct. The Hon. Secretary was requested to offer
		Nantwich half gross gate to play at Goodison
		Park on 4th October 1902.

Cheques drawn	The following cheques were drawn:-
		£150:- for wages & expenses to Wolverhampton.
		£2.1.6 for expenses to Chester re Mr. Clayton.

Share Transfer	The following transfer deeds were passed and
		new certificates in favour of the transferee were
		ordered to be signed and sealed:-
		5 partly paid shares Nos. 2008 to 2012
		from John Gore to Jas. Johnstone Richardson.
					James C. Baxter