Norman Lee It was agreed that Norman Lee, left full back of Ilford, not having come up to expectations should be allowed to return home. Adv. Lime St. Sta. The Hon. Secretary was authorised to sign the form of order for advertising through Messrs. W. H. Smith & Son at Lime St. Station at 3/6 per month for eight months. Wallasey News A letter dated 22 August 1902 from The Charity Compt. Wallasey News was read asking that our League Team might meet the Liverpool League. Team during the comming season to compete for a Silver Cup in aid of Wallasey Charities. The Hon. Secretary was requested to reply regretting our inability to compete. W. Goldie's A letter was read from the Liverpool Benefit Football Club asking that our players might be allowed to take part in an English v Scotch match for W. Goldie's benefit. This was agreed to on a date to be mutually arranged. James C. Baxter.