A meeting of the Board of Director was held at Goodison Park on Monday 21 July 1902. Present. Dr. Baxter (in the chair) Mr. Clayton " Coates " Davies " Kirkwood " Whitford " Wright Minutes The minutes of the last meeting were read, approved and signed. Time & place of meeting Mr. Mahon's motion regarding time and place of meeting was left over until the next meeting. Training It was decided that the players should resume Training on 6th August 1902. Signing of cheques It was resolved that only members of the Finance Committee should sign cheques and that all accounts before being passed for payment must be initiated by the Chairman of the respective Committees. The Bank to be notified. Beaty Bros. The Hon. Secretary reported that Messrs Beaty Bros. had not conformed to their agreement as to advertising on the Grand Stand and he was requested to write to them on the matter. Medical Officer A letter was read from Dr. Moore resigning the position of Medical Officer to the Club and