A meeting of the Board of Directors was held at Goodison Park on Tuesday 24June 1902 Present Dr. Baxter(in the chair) Mr. Clayton " Davies " Kelly " Kirkwood " Mahon " Whitford " Wright The minutes of the last meetings were read, approved and signed. Lancs.Combination Mr.Kelly reported his and Mr. Coates Fixture Meeting. attendance at the Lancashire Combination's meeting and submitted list of fixtures arranged. Sub. Committees The following sub-committees were appointed:- Ground:- Messrs. Kelly, Coates, Davies, Kirkwood, Bainbridge. Advertising:- Drs.Baxter and Whitford, Messrs. Clayton & Coates. Fixtures:- Messrs. Clayton, Davies, Mahon, Wright. Stores:- Messrs. Bainbridge, Kelly, Kirkwood, Whitford. Finance:- Messrs. Clayton, Coates, Mahon, Wright. Three to form a quorum.