The Everton Football Club Company, Limited. BALANCE SHEET AS AT 30th APRIL, 1902. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ LIABILITIES. ASSETS. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. Nominal Capital £2500, in 2500 Shares of £1 each, Ground Stands, Hoarding, and Erections at Goodison 15/- per Share called up. Park, as at 30th April, 1901 ................ 4503 1 3 2210 Shares issued and alloted, at 15/- per Added since ............................ 78 13 1 Share paid up.......................... 1657 10 0 ___________ 290 Bonus Shares to old members........... 290 0 0 4581 14 4 _____ ___________ 1947 10 0 Less 10% now written off ................ 458 3 4 2500 ___________ _____ 4123 11 0 Sundry Creditors...................................... 462 2 0 Freehold Land............... £8090 12 6 Unclaimed Dividends................................... 16 11 10 Less proceeds sale of strip of Balance to Credit of Profit and Loss Account ......... 6100 10 7 land to L'pool Corporation 11 10 5 __________ 8079 2 1 ____________ 12202 13 1 Less Mortgage............................ 6500 0 0 ____________ 5702 13 1 Office Fixtures, Implements, &c., as at 30th April 55 0 0 Less 10% now written off ................ 5 10 0 ____________ 49 10 0 Sundry Debtors ................................... 181 12 2 Clothing, Material, and Stores on hand ........... 17 0 0 Sundry Deposits................................... 11 8 0 Cash in North and South Wales Bank ............... 2546 16 7 Cash in hand ..................................... 17 14 7 ____________ 2564 11 2 ____________ ____________ £8526 14 5 £8526 14 5 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 1900, we certify that all our requirements as Auditors have been compiled with. T. THEO ROGERS, BOWLER & Co., Chartered Accountants. 30, NORTH JOHN STREET, LIVERPOOL, 26th May, 1902.