Ramsden J. Resolved we pay Burnley £10 for League transfer & that we play him for a month on trial at 30/- to 35/- per week & if he suits we continue the engagement. Briggs H.T. Resolved we send a donation of £5. Transfer of Shares 2 from A. E. Talbot to J. W. Livesley 199 & 2421 free. Pettinger Resolved this player have a trial as Centre forward. Signed Nov. 17th 1898 W. R. Clayton Chairman Meeting of Directors held Thursday Nov 17th 1898 Present W. R. Clayton Esq. (in the chair) Messrs Bainbridge, Baxter, Brooks, Crawshaw, Cuff, Davies, Keates, Kelly & Taylor. Minutes of last meeting read & confirmed. Team v Wolves Same as last Saturday. Team v Chirk Same as last Saturday except Jowett for Kitchen. Directors in charge of gate Messrs Davies & Taylor. Notice of Motion to rescind resolution re Owen at next Meeting. Owen Resolved we negotiate for transfer minimum £75 to New Brighton & that a Special Meeting be called to consider offer if necessary. Team v Newtown Lewis, Eccles, Crelly, Turner, Owen, Hughes, Marquis, Bright, Clark, Barlow & Coup. Photo for Boots Resolved the Sec. write Hinchcliffe to take a group of players & Directors & fix appointment. Crompton Put on agenda for next meeting. Newsboys match Use of Ground granted for Boxing day & Mr. Cox have permission to collect on Ground on Saturday. Signed Nov. 24th 1898 W.R. Clayton Chairman