and C. the 2nd team engagements for next season & that the L'pool F. C. had decided to remain in the Lancashire Combination it was League matches resolved a. That subject to the approval of the with L'pool League the matches between Everton & Liverpool in the League be altered to September 27 at Goodison Park & Good Friday at Anfield and that Everton have the privilege of playing at home on Easter Monday, and that the Liverpool & District F. A. being consenting parties, the vacant L'pool Season Cup date on January 24 be devoted to a L'pool Cup Tie between the two clubs: the net gate up to £300 to be equally divided between the L & D. F. A. & the competing clubs, any balance over that sum to be divided between the two clubs. b/ That a sub. committee (joint) from Everton & Liverpool be empowered Advertising for 1902 to make the necessary arrangements for the obtaining -3 of advertising stations for next season and also to deal with the question of a diary & that Messrs Clayton, Coates & Whitford represent us on such 2nd team Engagements joint committee and C/ that we remain in the Lancashire Combination. Representative to Dr. Baxter & failing him Mr. Coates with Combination meeting Secretary Name? The Secretary was instructed to Write Mr. French suggesting a trial to this player about 20th August Nominations Resolved that the following four gentlemen for Linesmen be nominated. A. Chadwick 6 Fawcett St. Blackburn W. Chadwick 41 Whitehead st. do J. H. Bushell Bushells Buildings Springfield L'pool W. E. Bahr 39 Scholar st. Liverpool Assist. trainer Application for increase of salary refused & secretary was instructed to point out his duties during close season.