Meeting of Directors held April 21st 1902 Present B. Kelly Esq. (Chair) Messrs Baxter, Clayton, Davies, Kirkwood, Whitford & Wright. Transfer It was resolved to put the following players list on the transfer list:- Muir Bone Roche B. Sharp Proudfoot Worthington The consideration of the following players was deferred:- Watson, Eccles, Blythe, W. Young, Bell, Chadwick, Paterson, Singleton. R. Balmer Mr. Coates was requested to see this players father as to his becoming a professional. R. Clayton It was resolved that this player be signed at 10/- per week & be allowed to work. Bovril Medals A letter from Bovril Ltd. offering a set of medals for competition in aid of the Ibrox fund was read & it was resolved not to entertain the offer at present. Goodson Messrs Kelly & Kirkwood were deputed to go to Doncaster with full powers to engage this player if desirable. Dawson Messrs Baxter & another director were deputed to see this player play on Saturday first. Monks The Secretary was instructed to ascertain the amount of the transfer & the Directors present on Saturday next were empowered to decide the question of engagement. Adams & It was decided to ask these players down Davies for the 26th inst. Chadwick This matter was left to the directors here on the 26th inst. School Shield Resolved to provide a School Shield for Competition.