		ask the following players to sign
		Kitchen, Balmer, Booth, Abbott, Young
		Wolstenholme, Clarke, Settle, Rankin
		Bowman, Taylor £3 & Brown.

Next Meeting	Tuesday Apl. 1st after match.

Signed April 1st 1902		W. R. Clayton

Meeting of Directors held April 1st 1902

Present		W. R. Clayton Esq. (Chair) Messrs Coates,
		Davies, Kirkwood, Whitford & Wright.

Minutes		of last meeting read & confirmed.
do		of Fixture subcommittee read & confirmed.

Medical &	Trainers reports made.

Team v		Kitchen, Boyle, Watson, Wolstenholme,
Wednesday	Booth, Blythe, Sharp, Taylor, Young, Abbott,

Turton		Muir, W. Young, R. Balmer, Clayton, Clarke,
		Brown, Rankin, Paterson, Tudor, Bone & Singleton.

Director on Gate Mr. Davies.
McMenemy	The Secretary was instructed to pursue
		this matter.

Programme	The Secretary was instructed to see Mr.
& Publications	Cox on these matters.

Peddie &	Instructions were given to enquire amount
Goodson		of these players transfers.

Leeds F. A.	The Secretary was instructed to offer a date
		earlier than the 19th inst.

Crelly		Mr. Clayton was empowered to enquire as to