Northwich Muir, Watson, Sharp, Boyle, Clarke, Brown, on the 19th Rankin, Paterson, Bowman, Makepeace & Singleton. Brearley of The Secretary was instructed to ascertain Middlesbro where this player could be seen on the 22nd inst. Shares 3 from Hannah Allmark to James F. Morris Nos 1753 to 1755. 3 from Hannah Allmark to Walter Blackler Nos 358 to 360 Passed. The Secretary's action in asking the L & Y Ry Co. for return of cheque for £9.12.0 Wolstenholme Contract was approved. The Secretary read letter of thanks from the Old Xaverians F. C. The Secretary was instructed to send two tickets for Saturday to Mr. J. Maddocks. The payment of £1.0.6 to the F. A. was confirmed. The Secy. read letters from:- The Lancashire Combination re expenses The Mutoscope Co. re pictures at Sunderland match, Messrs Bullock re Small Heath. Next Meeting Mch. 18th 1902 B. Kelly Signed March 18th 1902 Chairman