Tudor & Latham The secretary reported that these players had come to Liverpool & had signed League forms & his action was approved. Reports By Doctor & trainer made & approved. Team v Kitchen, Balmer, B. sharp, Wolstenholme, Bury Booth, Abbott, J. Sharp, Proudfoot, Young, Settle & Bell Reserve Singleton. Bury Reserve Muir, Watson, Eccles, Boyle, Clarke, Blythe, Rankin, Patterson, Bowman, Bone, & Chadwick. Director to Bury Dr. Whitford. " on Gate W. Clayton. M'Chester City The Secretary was instructed to write the Manchester City F. C. to arrange this match. The Secretary reported that he had obtained the permission of the F. Association for J & B Sharp and Booth to play on the 24th inst. J. Settle The Secretary was instructed to write the F. A. consenting to this player playing in the North v South match on the 24th inst. Transfer The Secretary was instructed to place list the following players on the transfer list Muir, Watson, Roche, Paterson & Worthington and the following amounts were ordered to be asked respectively Muir £250, Watson £125, Roche £50, Paterson £95 and Worthington £10. Wolstenholme The Secretary was instructed to obtain a Season ticket for 6 months for Wolstenholme. Combination The Secretary having read reply to his enquiry re. Blythe & Roche's expenses to Birmingham on the 1st inst. he was instructed to write asking payment of all expenses. Convenience in The Secretary having read reply from the Stanley park Town Clerk respecting this erection, it was