Interest Resolved that the sum of £107.2.3 for interest due be paid. C. C. Hall Resolved that the Collecting Card testimonial fund be returned with a donation of 21/-. Finney Resolved that Dr. Baxter & Mr. Clayton go to Accrington on Jany. 6th with full powers to engage Finney. L'pool match Resolved that Secretary have tickets printed for this League Match admitting to the Special Reserved Stand at 5/- each. Players Lockers Resolved that Secretary see that all locks put in order & urinals lighted. Chesterfield The Secretary was instructed to pay cheque for £25. Young & Clarke Resolved that the applications by these players to go to Scotland for a few days be not acceded to. Bovril Resolved that we do not for the present use Bovril in the training. Weston & Smith Resolved that Secretary pay these men 5/- each for working Sunday 29th Decr. Next Meeting January 7th 1902. Signed Jany. 7th 1902. W. R. Clayton Chairman