Meeting of Directors held January 1st 1902 Present Dr. Baxter (Chair) Messrs Bainbridge, Clayton, Coates, Davies, Kirkwood, Whitford and Wright. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. Xmas boxes Mr. Clayton having read letter from Mr. Crump on this question it was resolved that the Secretary be instructed to write the local representative (Mr. R. Lythgoe) to ask him to raise the question at next meeting of the Council. Mr. Davies Gave notice of motion that all players receiving less than £208 per annum be granted a Christmas donation. The Secretary was instructed to inform the players of the efforts made & being made to secure payment of Xmas boxes. Dr. Baxter's motion that the Salary of the Secretary be increased by £1 per week as from the 1st Jany. 1902 was carried unanimously. Away training Resolved that Secretary arrange to take Kitchen, Balmer, Eccles, B. Sharp, Wolstenholme, Booth, Abbott, J. Sharp, Taylor, Bowman, Young, Settle & Bell to Southport on Friday putting up at Queens Hotel and to remain there until the 11th inst. Watson Resolved that the Secretary ask Grimsby to make best offer for this player and that the Chairman, Vice Chairman & Secretary decide terms. Muir The Secretary was instructed to notify Notts County that we were prepared to entertain an offer for Muir.