Team v		Muir, B. Sharp, Watson, Brown, Boyle, Blythe,
Oswaldtwistle R Roche, Paterson, Rankin, A. Chadwick and 

Director in	Mr A.|T. Coates
charge of gate

Director with	Mr E.A. Bainbridge if possible.

Dr.Whitford's   As to medical officer: After discussion it was 
motion		resolved that a subcommittee consisting of the
		Chairman & Dr. Baxter & Whitford be appointed to
		interview Dr. Moore to ascertain the nature of his
		agreement with the club (if any) and to arrange
		for a more effective system of attendance upon
		injured players & the Secretary was instructed
		to arrange for such interview.

Dr.Whitford's   This motion taking the form of a proposition to
motion to appoint appoint Mr. J. E. Maley to manage the teams,
team manager	superintend their training and look for players
		was after discussion put to the vote and declared 
                not carried.

Complaint       The secretary having reported a notification
against Mr.     renewed from the League that our complaint against
F. Bye		Mr.F. Bye would be heard at the Old Boars Head 
                Hotel at Manchester on Friday next at 6 o'clock.
		he was instructed to prepare the evidence and
		that Messrs Clayton, Coates & the Secretary together
		with the players who could testify thereto be 
                requested to attend.

Match for	The secretary was instructed to advertise for 
Jany 4 away	a fixture for this date.

Callaghan	The secretary was instructed to arrange for
Rae, Graham	these players to be seen play.  
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